
20. December 2024.

Piano ceremony and great recognition to Vladimir Krpan

The unusual "Pianomania" on the Day of the Hall will be a "collision" of legends and young virtuosos. Vladimir Krpan, Ida Gamulin, Ruben Dalibaltayan and Konstantin Krasnitsky will perform, as well as "young challengers" - Petar Klasan, Ivan Krpan and Ivan Vihor.
18. December 2024.

Grašo's third concert in Lisinski!

Due to the exceptional interest of the audience in Petar Grašo's celebratory concerts in Lisinski, which mark 30 years of his career, we are announcing another date!
16. December 2024.

Magnificent Monteverdi in Lisinski

A magnificent and very popular work by the old master Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643), Vespro della Beata Vergine (Vespers of the Blessed Virgin Mary) is coming to Lisinski on December 21, as part of the Lisinski Saturday cycle.
10. December 2024.

"Lisinski Week" on Croatian Radio

KD Lisinski is the topic of many Croatian Radio shows this week. Today, December 10 at 1 p.m., our director Nina Čalopek is a guest of the new show HR3 Listeners' Club of the Third Program, and at 6:05 p.m., an honorary member of Lisinski, Dubravko Majnarić, of the show ...
9. December 2024.

Ovations for a virtuoso evening in the Lisinski chamber cycle

Although Monika Leskovar fell ill on the day of the concert, and Branimir Pustički jumped in four hours before the performance, Dunja Bontek, Marija Andrejaš, Martina Filjak and their colleague delighted the full hall with a brilliant performance of the "sisterly" works of Mozart and Brahms.